We Had Our Baby!

baby e at birth Just Add Cloth

Two weeks ago.  I had a repeat cesarean two weeks ago, but life has been crazy with lots of kids and recovery and leaky boobs, so I didn’t get to my computer until today. So here is an untouched picture from my cell phone. Because I also couldn’t be bothered to use my real camera.

His name does not have a nickname. It is one of those that cannot really be condensed to anything usable, which drives me a little nuts. I like little nicknames. So until I figure it out, this little guy is just Baby E.

Life is crazy right now. I am living on the couch in our basement family room because it is easier to get up than from bed. I really need to water my houseplants. I was late paying the bills this month. This morning I woke up in a puddle of breast milk, sweat, and baby pee.

Hopefully, my incision will feel better soon, and the boob spray will calm down. Then maybe I can resume going out in public. However, I am not really ready for public anyway. I really wish we had a culture that let mom hide away for 40 days like others. That sounds like just the right amount of time to get yourself back together. (Somewhat.)

A girl can dream.

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