Another Game of Life Expansion Pack: Baby Edition

baby u-s 2015

The JAC household is expanding! This coming July, we will be adding another member to our family. It is exciting, and also a bit of a surprise. I feel like after battling infertility for many years, any baby will always be a surprise. It always seems surreal. So far, all is well. Hopefully, it will stay that way.

This throws some extra wrenches into our renovation plans. I am struggling with some choices. Like, which is worse? Dealing with a giant mess and unusable home in the late third trimester? Or dealing with it in the early postpartum weeks? After a c-section no less? (Maybe?) Both sounds rather awful. However, adding another person to our already small and crowded house sounds difficult too.

Either way, it is a new adventure. I guess 2016 will be an interesting year.

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