The Happy Holiday Scramble

happy holidays 2014

No, not a scrambled egg recipe. Does anyone need a recipe for that anyway?

I’m scrambling to buy gifts for my kids since they are the easiest for whom to chose gifts. Yay for babies and toddlers. I’m scrambling to wrap them.
As I wrap them in cheap paper from target, spread out on my worn out carpet from the 1960’s, I wonder if I will ever be one of those hip, have-it-all-together moms who hand stamps wrapping paper and ties it up with lace ribbons. Or if I’ll ever have new carpet for that matter.
Holiday season is funny. I was going crazy trying to figure out a dish to bring to a family party and said screw it, I’ll make what I want. I even decided to bring red wine when the host requested white. Because I’m a rebel like that.
If I ever have furniture, and therefore host a holiday event,  I think I’ll just pre-order the food from a service. The stress and competition during the holiday season just isn’t worth twisting myself up in knots over.

I just recalled I forgot a gift for one of my godchildren. It is just another opportunity to feel less than, because I’m not have-it-all-together mom. I hope seven year olds like cash.

Back to my scrambling with Target paper on 1960’s carpet.

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