10 Weeks Old

mory 10 weeks

Mory is 10 weeks old!

She is up to 12 pounds now, which is a little on the light side considering she was over 10 pounds at birth. She is a good eater though, so I guess she’s just a slow gainer. I did finally succumb to supplementing though. My milk supply has been horrible. My supply goes up if I eat a bunch of carbs, but that makes me sick. I can’t be eating right and taking insulin sensitizers and then eat a bunch of starch or fruit or sugar or anything of that nature. I find it frustrating that I have to choose between breastfeeding or making myself very, very ill. The bright side is Mory is a very easy baby still. It is my two year old who is the challenge as always.

art for your home

Even though life is not too chaotic, it feels chaotic to me. I am still rather overwhelmed. I essentially took this last week off from responsibilities outside of the kids. The house is messy, work is behind, and the laundry pile that needs folding is about 27 feet high. I swear I need about two weeks off from having to leave the house. I would use it to clean, organize, and get some work and projects done. If I felt caught up, maybe I wouldn’t feel so anxious. Taking the four year old to preschool is a huge time-suck. Getting everyone dressed and in the car by the right time, driving, and getting home. Just to do it again for pickup takes up several hours when you factor in the fact that you can’t really accomplish anything in the short 2.5 hours he is at preschool. It takes 20 minutes just to get everyone into a behemoth stroller and situated to go into a store. Add in all the snow and ice and it is just too inconvenient. It is no wonder I never see anyone else dragging their babies all over Target like I do. They are smarter than me.


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