Introducing Our Newest Family Member! A Sort-of Birth Story

Mory Birth

I don’t really do birth stories, but here goes.

At 12 days old postpartum, I am finally getting back into the swing of things, so it is time to show you what has kept us so busy.

art for your home

Here is our newest daughter Mory! (Of course, her real full first name is not Mory.)

I was scheduled to be induced a couple weeks back since my doctor did not want to let me go to 43 weeks. My babies always take their sweet time. I was managing just fine with the pitocin and was at 10 centimeters and pushing when…..nothing happened. And nothing happened. And more pushing. And more of nothing happening. Her heart rate was not doing too swell in any position other than having me on my hands and knees in a sort of squat leaning way forward. However, leaning that far forward was not very conducive to pushing. I don’t know how long we were going at it before I just knew. she was NOT descending at all. Not budging, no way no how. It was like she wanted nothing to do with my pelvis.

If there was any doubt in my mind, it was erased when the staff started sticking consent forms in my face to sign. Reading and signing forms in between pushing and contracting is not that cool. it is a little hard to concentrate for sure. I worked at the pushes for a bit after signing papers, but I could very distinctly still feel a baby butt way up in my ribs. There was simply no progress being made. I was starting to panic and agreed to move on to a section. Surgery was pretty quick and the staff was good natured. It was an OK experience, all things considered. Of course, I was crying the whole time since I never in a million years thought I would ever have a cesarean.

Once they pulled out our chunker, it became apparent why she had no interest in descending. She was well over 10 pounds and had a 15 inch head! My lovely doctor, who has been seeing me for nearly 10 years and delivered my other babies said it was very unlikely I could have ever pushed her out. My pelvis is pretty narrow. At least we know why I was SO uncomfortable these last several weeks. That was a whopper of a baby.

I am a little sad that I didn’t get my natural birth, but that dream was dashed with the induction. The upside is not having a third degree tear with granulation and tons of healing issues this time. I feel about 100 times better at 12 days post C-section than I ever felt at 12 days post vaginal delivery.

Mory had to spend a couple days in the NICU, but she is doing great now. She is super mellow and breastfeeds like a champ. My biggest challenge is dealing with the other kids and toddler tantrums while healing from surgery. Those rules about physical restrictions are hilariously unrealistic unless I had a full staff of help at the house!


On a somewhat related note: Anyone have any tips on how to get my four year old to willingly leave preschool and get in the car without me having to physically carry him? I already have to carry the newborn and two year old during the school pickup. :/

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