Should You Make the Switch to Cloth Pads?

Peepods Cloth Menstrual Pads
*Pad set c/o Peepods.

Should you switch to cloth pads?

As many of us make the move to more sustainable living, there are a few ideas that are more difficult to wrap our heads around. For some, it is cloth diapering or non-paper towels in the kitchen, for others it might be the higher cost of natural foods or toxin free body products. One area I see a lot of women hesitate with is how to ‘green’ their monthly cycle.  One reason I hear quite often for not wanting to switch to reusable menstrual products, is that many women absolutely hate pads. I get that. I really do. I hate disposable pads too. They can be bulky, hot, itchy, and downright gross. Which is also why I would suggest giving cloth pads a try.

There are several reasons to give cloth a chance:

  • Unlike disposable pads, cloth pads are free of dioxins, chemicals, and the risks of toxic shock syndrome
  • Reusable pads reduce trash and waste
  • Reusable pads are more breathable and customizable which can help reduce chances of yeast overgrowth, bacterial vaginosis,  and vaginal irritation
  • Reusable menstrual items can save money
  • Cloth fabric is more comfortable


Switching from disposable menstrual pads to cloth ones like those offered by Peepods is easy and can even be fun. Obviously some people don’t care about what their pads look like, but if you feel so inclined you can pick out different colors and fabrics. The comfort and breath-ability of cloth pads can make your period less of an ordeal.
Pads come in several types of fabrics like fleece or minky to wick away, or flannel and cotton like Peepods. Peepods offers super pads, regular sized, and pantyliners in varying packages to meet your needs.


You use them just like disposable pads! Just snap the wings around your undies like the disposable adhesive kind, and away you go. There is the benefit of no irritating dry weave or the risk of adhesive wings sticking where you don’t want them.

Washing cloth pads is simple. Just rinse them in the sink and toss in with your towels or regular laundry. I do recommend a sensitive skin detergent without too many perfumes or brighteners since they can irritate your delicate areas.
With cloth menstrual pads gaining so much popularity, there are even some detergents on the market designed specifically for removing blood.



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1 thought on “Should You Make the Switch to Cloth Pads?”

  1. Why not go one step further and just use a menstrual cup? They’ve even better for the environment as well as being more convenient since you don’t have to do all that laundry.

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