Baby Talk: The Misinterpreted Thank You

baby talk


With my three year old’s speech delay, we have had a few funny mishaps when it comes to communication. Lucky mostly likes counting, saying his ABCs, and chasing us around the room saying “I’m gonna get you!!”. Lately our favorite game is the clean up game. I point to various items on the floor and ask him to bring them to me while we straighten up a room. With each item he hands me, I give him an enthusiastic “Thank you Lucky, thank you!”.  And he beams with pride.

A couple weeks back I kept hearing him loudly announcing a particular phrase while playing with his sister, or interacting with anyone else. Every interaction was followed by an exuberant “Fock you!”.

Change a diaper, “fock you!”.

Make him lunch, “fock you!”.

Play a game, “fock you!”.


I started getting rather perturbed. Where on Earth did he learn such a thing? I sat him down and had several conversations about being mean and rude and using fowl language. He just stared at me like I had two heads.

I finally confronted the husband. “Where do you suppose he learned such language?”.

Single eyebrow raised.


Of course Husband put it all together sooner than I did. “Thank you!”

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.!!!!

My kid is not telling me to *F* off.

He is just really, really polite.



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7 thoughts on “Baby Talk: The Misinterpreted Thank You”

  1. HA HA HA
    Iam really amused after reading this post of yours. Sometimes, kids speak in such a cute language that u cannot stop ur laughter.
    Nice blog!

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